Kraken Kandle Blogs

Fragrant memories
Candles have been used for centuries to light up homes, temples, and places of worship. They provide light, warmth, and a calming ambiance. In recent years, however, candles have evolved from being just a source of light to a powerful...
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Supporting small business
Buying candles from a small online business is a great way to support local entrepreneurs and small businesses. Here are just a few reasons why it's important to shop small for candles
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The history of candle scents

The earliest candles were made of tallow, which is a type of animal fat. Tallow candles gave off a very strong smell, which wasn't always pleasant. In the Middle Ages, beeswax became the preferred material for candles, as it didn't have the same strong smell as tallow. Beeswax candles were often used in churches.

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