The history of candle scents

The history of candle scents

Candles have been used for centuries as a source of light and as a way to make a space smell nice. The history of candle scents is a long and varied one, with different scents becoming popular at different times.

The earliest candles were made of tallow, which is a type of animal fat. Tallow candles gave off a very strong smell, which wasn't always pleasant. In the Middle Ages, beeswax became the preferred material for candles, as it didn't have the same strong smell as tallow. Beeswax candles were often used in churches.

In the 18th century, a new type of wax was developed - paraffin wax. This made candles much cheaper to produce, and as a result, they became much more popular. Candles were now used for more than just light and scent - they were also used for decoration.

Different scents became popular at different times. In the 19th century, floral scents were very popular, as they were seen as being romantic and feminine. In the 20th century, fruitier scents became popular, as they were seen as being refreshing and uplifting.

Today, there are endless different scents available for candles, and you can even find candles that are designed to smell like your favorite food or drink. Whatever your preference, there's sure to be a candle out there with the perfect scent for you.